The founder of Sestranow is willing to put up her personal money to give you incentive to lose weight and get healthy before Summer 2021! Stephanie Montgomery is offering $1,000 to whomever loses more weight than her from 2/15/2021 to 5/15/21. 

The final weigh in is 5/16/21.  

Winner to be announced on 5/31/21 and payment issued to Grand Prize winner… or not!

Stephanie has made a decision to reach her secret weight loss goal by May 16, 2021.  Instead of paying into a formal diet plan to accomplish this goal she decided to invest in the Members of Sestranow.  Stephanie will invest in you and put her money where her mouth is…  She challenges you to compete with her and if you win the Challenge she will give you $1,000!  If you do not lose more weight than she does she keeps her $1,000. 

Sestranow wants you to come out of the Covid Lockdown a healthier and happier you.  Also, we hope that this will help members to understand how invested Sestranow is in you.  It is not about money. We are not asking you to give us anything. 

We are asking you to support each other in accomplishing your individual goals. Experience the Vision of Sestranow in action by joining this Fitness Challenge.  The Founder’s cash in exchange for your good health.  Will you join us?  Let us help you jumpstart that weight loss and live your best life! 

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